Forensic Psychology courses - Video transcript - School of Psychology

Dr Catherine Hamilton discusses the forensic psychology courses on offer at the School of Psychology here at the University of Birmingham.

TitleForensic Psychology courses (follow for video)

Duration: 57 secs

Speaker Name: S1 Dr Catherine Hamilton – Course Director, Forensic Psychology

S1 Forensic Psychology is the study of psychology within the criminal justice system. Forensic Psychologists work with victims, offenders; they might do crime analysis, they might work with the police or on eye-witness testimony. So it covers a wide range of topics.

We run four postgraduate forensic psychology courses at Birmingham. Two are part-time masters for psychologists and non-psychologists employed in relevant settings. We have a top-up Doctorate for qualified psychologists, and we also have a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology Practice, which is our largest course. Because this course is a vocational course all of our trainees leave as a fully qualified forensic psychologist. So actually all of our trainees have been employed since they left – mostly in a forensic mental health setting. Indeed, given the quality of our trainees, many have been offered jobs while still on the course and I think that speaks a lot about both the course and the trainees that we have.