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Latest publications from the contributors to the Welfare Bricolage Project (UPWEB):


Bradby, H., Humphris, R., & Padilla, B. (2018). Universalism, diversity and norms: gratitude, healthcare and welfare chauvinism. Critical Public Health, 1–13. 

Bradby, H.,  Phillimore, J., Padilla, B. & Brand, T. (2019) Making gendered healthcare work visible: over-looked labour in four European settings. Social Inclusions. 7(2), 33-43 Alternative link: 

Bradby, H., Lindenmeyer, A., Phillimore J., Padilla, B. & Brand, T. (revision under review) Dimensions of dissatisfaction with healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Sociology of Health & Illness. 

Hamed, S., Klingberg, S., Mahmud, A. J., & Bradby, H. (2018). Researching health in diverse neighbourhoods: critical reflection on the use of a community research model in Uppsala, Sweden. BMC Research Notes11(1), 612. 

Legido-Quigley, Helena, Karanikolos, Marina, Hernandez-Plaza, Sonia, de Freitas, Claudia, Bernardo, Luis, Padilla, Beatriz, Sá Machado, Rita, Diaz-Ordaz, Karla, Stuckler, David, McKee, Martin (2016) “Effects of the financial crisis and Troika austerity measures on health and health care access in Portugal”, Health Policy, 120 (7) pp. 833- 839 DOI: 

Padilla, Beatriz, Rodrigues, Vera, Lopes, Jessica and Ortiz, Alejandra (2018) “Migrants’ Health: Inequality and crisis in the NHS”, Social Inequalities: Portugal and Europe, edited by João Sebastião, Renato Miguel do Carmo, Susana da Cruz Martins, Joana Azevedo, António Firmino da Costa, Lisbon: Mundo Sociais, pp. 315 - 334. 

Padilla, Beatriz, Olmos-Alcaraz, Antonia, and Azevedo, Joana (2018) “Conviviality and Superdiversity Ethnographies: methodological reflections / Etnografías de la convivialidad y superdiversidad: reflexiones metodológicas” (in Spanish), Andamios, 15 (36), pp. 15-41. DOI:   

Padilla, Beatriz and Rodrigues, Vera (2017) "Doing community research with the community? Reflecting on practical issues", La Critica Sociologica, LI 203, pp. 59-74. 

Padilla, Beatriz (2017), “Health and Migrations: participatory research methodologies as a tool to promote citizenship among migrant women / Saúde e migrações: metodologias participativas como ferramentas de promoção da cidadania”, Interface – Comunicação Saúde e Educação, Vol 21 (61) 273- 284.

Padilla, Beatriz, Ortiz, Alejandra and Rodrigues, Vera (2016) “Welfare state under attack: Expected and hidden consequences of the Troika”, Arxius de sociologia, (35) pp 49-60. ISSN 1137-7038.

Padilla, Beatriz and Rodrigues, Vera (2016) “How occupation health impacts migrants’ health: a case study from Portugal”, Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe – PHAME Newsletter, WHO Europe, Issue 10.

Padilla, Beatriz, Masanet, Erika, Hernández-Plaza, Sonia and Ortiz, Alejandra (2016) “The impact of the crisis in health policies and practices in Portugal: looking at maternal-child and reproductive health considering cultural diversity during Troika times / Impacto de la crisis en las políticas y practices de salud en Portugal: una Mirada a la salud materno-infantil y reproductiva considerando la diversidad cultural durante la Troika”, in Francesco Gervasi (Org) Diversities: multidisciplinary to study interculturality and social development, Saltillo: Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila Editorial, Mexico, pp 9-37. 

Pemberton, S., Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Padilla, B., Lopes, J., Samerski, S., & Humphris, R. (2018). Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Health & Place 

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H. & Brand T (2019) Superdiversity, population health and health care: opportunities and challenges in a changing world. Public Health Volume 172, July: 93-98 

Phillimore, J., Brand T., Bradby, H. & Padilla, B. (revised submission under review) Healthcare bricolage in Europe's superdiverse neighbourhoods: a mixed methods study BMC Public Health. 

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Doos, L., Padilla, B., & Samerski, S. (2018). Health providers as bricoleurs: An examination of the adaption of health ecosystems to superdiversity in Europe. Journal of European Social Policy, 15. 

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Knecht, M., Padilla, B., & Pemberton, S. (2018). Bricolage as conceptual tool for understanding access to healthcare in superdiverse populations. Social Theory & Health 

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Knecht, M., Padilla, B., Brand, T., Cheung, S. Y., … Zeeb, H. (2015). Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods and developing the concept of welfare bricolage: Protocol of a cross-national mixed-methods study. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 15(1). 

Samkange-Zeeb, F., Foraita, R., Rach, S., Brand, T. (2019) Feasibility of using respondent-driven sampling to recruit participants in superdiverse neighbourhoods for a general health survey. Int J Public Health. 

Samerski, S (2019) Health Literacy as a social practice: Social and empirical dimensions of knowledge on health and healthcare. Social Science and Medicine. 

Wijekoon Mudiyanselage KW, Samkange-Zeeb F, Brand T, Zeeb H. (2018) Exploring ethnic differences in understanding of self-rated health among persons of Turkish, Bosnian and German origin. BMC Res Notes. 2018 Dec 18;11(1):903.  


IRiS WP 26-2018 [PDF]
Welfare bricolage in different health regimes: motivations, logics and tactics
By Jenny Phillimore, Hannah Bradby, Michi Knecht, Beatriz Padilla and Simon Pemberton

IRiS WP 24-2018 [PDF]
Welfare Bricolage in Portuguese Service Providers: from challenges to strategies 2017
By Beatriz Padilla, Simone Castellani, Vera Rodrigues and Jessica Lopes


IRiS WP 18-2017 [PDF]
Welfare State Regimes: a Literature Review
By Arshad Isakjee

IRiS WP 19-2017 [PDF]
Typologies and Logics of Welfare Bricolage in the UK
By Simon Pemberton and Arshad Isakjee

IRiS WP 21-2017 [PDF]
Typologies and Logics of Welfare Bricolage in Sweden: Uppsala case study
By Hannah Bradby and Sarah Hamed

IRiS WP 22-2017 [PDF]
Typologies and Logics of Welfare Bricolage in Portugal: Lisbon case study
By Beatriz Padilla, Vera Rodrigues and Tiago Chaves

IRiS WP 23-2017 [PDF]
Logics of Welfare Bricolage among UK Service Providers
By Simon Pemberton and Lucy Doos


Bakker, L., Cheung, S. & Phillimore, J. (2016) International Migration Review The Asylum-Integration Paradox: Comparing Asylum Support Systems and Refugee Integration in The Netherlands and the UK International Migration DOI: 10.1111/imig.12251.

Bradby, H and Torres, S (forthcoming), 'National Case Study: Sweden' in Immigration, public policy and health: Newcomer experiences in developed nations (ed) Dennis Raphael. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.

Bradby, H and Phillimore, J (forthcoming), 'National Case Study: UK in Immigration in Modern Nations: Public Policy, Immigrant Experiences and Health Outcomes (ed), Dennis Raphael, Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.

Bradby, H, Frenz, M, Snow, S (2016), 'Migration and danger: ethnicity and health', Ethnicity and Health (21):4 333-339.

Bradby, H (2016), 'Medical migration and the global politics of equality', pp 491-507 in The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities (eds) Anne Whitehead, Angela Woods, Sarah Atkinson, Jane Macnaughton and Jennifer Richards. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Padilla, B and Rodrigues, V (2016), How occupational health impacts migrant health: A case study from Portugal, Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe Newsletter, Issue 10, 2016.

Pemberton, S & Phillimore, J (2016) Migrant place-making in superdiverse neighbourhoods: Moving beyond ethno-national approaches.  Urban Studies DOI: 10.1177/0042098016656988.

Roberts, H, Bradby, H et al. (2016) Moving on: Transitions of Care Leavers who arrive as unaccompanied child migrants. Child Policy Research Unit Briefing Paper for the Department of Health, University College, London.

Roberts, H, Bradby, H et al. (2016) Moving on: Transitions of Care Leavers with a Learning Disability. Child Policy Research Unit Briefing Paper for the Department of Health, University College, London.

Working Papers

IRiS WP 15-2016 [PDF]
Adaptation of Health Services to Diversity: An overview of approaches
By Jenny Phillimore with Franziska Klaas, Beatriz Padilla, Sonia Hernandez-Plaza and Vera Rodrigues

IRiS WP 14-2016 [PDF]
Bricolage: Potential as a conceptual tool for understanding access to welfare in superdiverse neighbourhoods
By Jenny Phillimore, Rachel Humphris, Franziska Klaas and Michi Knecht

IRiS WP 13-2016 [PDF]
Locality, neighbourhood and health: A literature review
By Simon Pemberton and Rachel Humphris

IRiS WP 12-2016 [PDF]
Dimensions of Diversity: Terminology in health research
By Hannah Bradby and Tilman Brand


Bradby, H, Humphris, R, Newall, D, and Phillimore, J (2015), The public health aspects of migrant health: A review of the evidence on health status for refugees and asylum seekers in the European Region.WHO.

Brand T, Jungmann, T. (forthcoming) Participant characteristics and process variables predict attrition from a home-based early intervention program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

Groot, L (2015), Practicing good food: How women puzzle their everyday valuations of food in SÄVJA, Sweden.

Phillimore, J and Goodson, L (in production) Delivering social welfare in the age of superdiversity. Routledge (S).

Phillimore, J. (2015) Delivering maternity services in an era of superdiversity: the challenges of novelty and newness Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies

Phillimore, P, Bradby, H, Knecht, M, Padilla, B, Brand, T, Chyeung, SY, Pemberton, S and Zeeb, H (2015), Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods and developing the concept of welfare bricolage: Protocol of a cross-national mixed-methods study. BMC International Health and Human Rights

Zeeb, H, Makarova, N, Brand, T and Knecht, M (2015) Superdiversity - A new concept for migrant health? Public Health Forum 23(2): 124-125.


Phillimore J. (2014) Diversity and social welfare.  In Vertovec, S.ed. Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies.  London: Routledge


Brand T, Jungmann T. (Ed.) (2013) Kinder schützen, Familien stärken [Protecting children, strengthening families]. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Cheung, SY and Phillimore, J (2013) Refugees, Social Capital and Labour Market Integration in the UK. Sociology DOI: 10.1177/0038038513491467.

Fernqvist,  S (2013) En erfarenhet rikare?: En kvalitativ studie av barns strategier och barnfattigdomens villkor i välfärdsstaten (Rich in experience? A qualitative study of children's strategies and the conditions of child poverty in the welfare state)(Ph.D. Dissertation) Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

Fernqvist, S (2013) Joining in on different terms - dealing with poverty in school and among 'peers'. Young 21(2) 155-171.

Goodson, L, Uwimana, M and Newall, D (2013) Financial advice and retirement planning in an era of superdiversity. Report for EREBUS.

Padilla, B (2013) Immigrants´Health: multidimensionality, inequalities and accessibility (in Portuguese, Saúde dos imigrantes: multidimensionalidade, desigualdades e acessibilidade em Portugal), Revista REMHU XXI, Nº 40, p. 49-68.

Padilla, B, Hernández-Plaza, S, Claudia de Freitas, Érika Masanet, Cristina Santinho and Alejandra Ortiz (2013) Citizenship and Diversity in Health: Needs and Strategies of health equity promotion” (in Portuguese, Cidadania e Diversidade em saúde: Necessidades e estratégias de promoção de equidade nos cuidados), Revista Saúde & Tecnologia.

Pemberton, S and Scullion, L (2013) The policies and politics of managed migration: Exploring mature labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(3):


Bradby, H (2012) Medicine, Health and Society: A Critical Sociology. London: Sage.

Brand T, Jungmann, T. (2012) Implemention differences of two staffing models in the German home visiting program “Pro Kind.” Journal of Community Psychology, 40(8), 891-905.

Falge, C, Ruzza, O, Schmittke, O (2012) Migrants and Health. Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in Health Systems. London, Ashgatepublishing.

Fernqvist,  S. (2012) Barns strategier och ekonomisk utsatthet – knappa resurser som utgångspunkt för en förhandling av positionerna i familjen. (Economic hardship and children’s strategies – scarce resources as a starting point for negotiating family positions). Sociologisk Forskning 49(3) 173–188.

Goodson, L and Phillimore, J (2012) Community research for community participation: from theory to method. Bristol: Policy Press.

Goodson, L, Uwimana, M and Phillimore, J (2012) European Integration Fund, UK Border Agency: Review of small project funded by the European Integration Fund, the European Refugee Fund III and the return a Fund in 2009.

Knecht, M, (2012) Reproductive Technologies as Global Form. Ethnographies of Knowledge, Practices and Transnational Encounters. Frankfurt am Main, New York: Campus Verlag in Kooperation mit Chicago University Press, 2012 (with S. Beck and M. Klotz).

Knecht, M, (2012) What is Europeanization in the Field of Reproductive Technologies? In: M. Knecht, M. Klotz, S. Beck (eds.): Reproductive Technologies as Global Form. Ethnographies of Knowledge, Practices, and Transnational Encounters. Frankfurt a.M. / New Yorck: Campus Verlag, 283-303 (with M. Klotz).

Knecht, M, (2012) Ethnographische Praxis im Feld der Wissenschafts-, Medizin- und Technikanthropologie. In: Stefan Beck, Jörg Niewöhner & Estrid Sörensen (eds.): STS– eine sozialanthropologische Einführung. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2012, 245-273.

Kurtz V, Brand T, Maier-Pfeiffer A, Hartmann S, Jungmann T. (2012) Implementierung Früher Hilfen für Familien mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund [Implementing early childhood interventions for families with and without an immigrant background]. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 7 (2), 135-141.

Masanet, Erika; Hernández-Plaza, Sonia and Padilla, Beatriz (2012), “Cultural Competence of Latin American doctors in health care services in Portugal: some preliminary notes”, (in Portuguese, A competência cultural dos(as) médicos(as) latino-americanos(as) na prestação de cuidados de saúde em Portugal: algumas notas preliminares), Iberoamerican Journal of Health and Citizenship, January-June 2012, Vol. I, nº 1, pp. 6-18.

Näsman, Elisabet, Ponton von Gerber, Christina & Fernqvist, Stina (2012). Barnfattigdom: om bemötande och metoder ur ett barnperspektiv. (Child poverty). Stockholm: Gothia.

Nuno, Oliveira and Padilla, Beatriz (2012) “Diversity as an element of development/attraction in local urban policies: contrasts and similarities in intercultural events” (in Portuguese, A diversidade como elemento de desenvolvimento/atração nas politicas locais urbanas: contrastes e semelhanças nos eventos de celebração intercultural), Sociologia, Vol. 22, FL-UP.

Padilla, Beatriz, Hernández-Plaza, Sonia and Alejandra Ortiz (2012) “Assesing Good Practices in Health & Migration: theory, practice and policies”(in Portuguese, Avaliando as boas práticas em Saúde e Migrações: teoria, prática e politica), Revista Fórum Sociológico, Nº22, pp. 33-41.

Padilla, Beatriz, and Ortiz, Alejandra (2012) “Transnational Citizenship of Latin Americans in Portugal: considering the perspective of the countries of origin and destination”, (in Spanish, Ciudadanía transnacional de los latinoamericanos en Portugal: considerando el país de origen y de destino), Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, vol.6, No 1.

Padilla, Beatriz, and Ortiz, Alejandra (2012) “Migratory Fluxes in Portugal: from the immigration boom to deceleration in time of crisis. Balance and challenges” (in Portuguese, Fluxos migratórios em Portugal: do boom migratório à desaceleração no contexto de crise. Balanço e desafios), Revista REMHU, V. XX, Nº 39, Jul-Dec.

Padilla, Beatriz and Azevedo, Joana (2012) “Territories of diversity and cultural conviviality: some theoretical and empirical considerations” (in Portuguese, Territórios de diversidade e convivência cultural: considerações teóricas e empíricas), Sociologia, Vol. 22, FL-UP.

Pemberton, S and Scullion, L (2012) Remittances and evolving migration flows from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to the UK: The impact of the global financial crisis and beyond, in Global Migration and Remittances during the Financial Crisis and Beyond, Eds I Sirkeci, JH Cohen and D Ratha, pp 227-236, World Bank, New York.


Fernqvist, S. (2011) “Redefining participation? On the positioning of children in Swedish welfare benefits appeals”. Childhood 18(2) 227 -241.

Knecht, M, (2011) Transnationalisierung. In: Fernand Kreff, Eva-Maria Knoll, Andre Gingrich (Hg.) Lexikon der Globalisierung. Anthropologische und sozialwissenschaftliche Zugänge zur Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript 2011, 389-391 Knecht, M, (2011) Transnationalisierung. In: Fernand Kreff, Eva-Maria Knoll, Andre Gingrich (Hg.) Lexikon der Globalisierung. Anthropologische und sozialwissenschaftliche Zugänge zur Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript 2011, 389-391

Padilla, Beatriz (2011) “Engagement Policies and Practices: Expanding the Citizenship of the Brazilian Diaspora", International Migration, Vol. 49, Issue 3, pp 10-29.

Pemberton, S and Scullion, L (2011) The economic and social impact of the migrant cap on non-EU workers, Final Report to Migrant Workers North West, Salford Housing and Urban Studies Unit (SHUSU), University of Salford.


Bradby, H and Lewando Hundt, G (2010) Global Perspectives on War, Gender and Health (eds). Avebury: Ashgate.

Bradby, H and Nazroo, J (2010) Health, ethnicity and race pp 113-129 in The New Companion to Medical Sociology (ed) William C Cockerham. Malden MA: Blackwell.

Brand T, Jungmann, T. (2010) Zugang zu sozial benachteiligten Familien [Accessing socially disadvantaged families]. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 5 (2), 109-114.

Goodson, L and Phillimore, J (2010) Community Research Methodology: Working with New Migrants to Develop a Policy Related Evidence Base. Social Policy and Society 9(4): 489-501.

Knecht, M, (2010) Konsequenzen der Mobilität? „Superdiversität“ und „Transkulturalität“ als Herausforderungen empirisch-ethnographischer Forschung. In: Sabine Zinn-Thomas u.a. (Hg.): Mobilitäten. Europa in Bewegung als Herausforderung kulturanalytischer Forschung. Freiburg: Tagungsband zum 37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, Freiburg 2010, 203-211.

Knecht, M, (2010) Samenbanken – Samenspender. Ethnographische und historische Perspektiven auf Männlichkeiten in der Reproduktionsmedizin. Berlin: Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, Sonderband 51, 2010 (mit Frederike Heinitz u.a.).

Knecht, M, (2010) „Vor Ort“ im Feld? Zur Kritik und Reakzentuierung des Lokalen als europäisch-ethnologischer Schlüsselkategorie. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde LXIV/113, Bd. 1 (2010),  23-49.

Pemberton, S and Stevens, C (2010) The recruitment and retention of A8 migrant workers in the United Kingdom: Challenging conventional wisdoms and implications for government policy, Regional Studies, 44(9): 1289-1300.

Phillimore, J and Goodson, L (2010) Failing to adapt: institutional barriers to RCOs engagement in transformation of social welfare. Social Policy and Society. 9(1) 181-192.