Statement of Public Task

The University Library is administered by the Library Services Division of Academic Services. It operates within a complex Higher Education environment. It is subject to internal regulatory processes and to applicable external legislation. As a critical learning resource it is central to the student experience at Birmingham.

Library Services, under its Director, is divided operationally into three areas:

  • Academic Engagement
  • Customer Support
  • Collection Management and Development

Library Services operates in line with the following core functions:

  • To support the teaching, learning and research activities of the University through the provision of information resources, both in print and in electronic formats
  • To provide support and training to students in order that they may most effectively use the Library’s resources
  • To develop the Library collections and associated work-study environments in line with changing user needs
  • To engage with the student cohort and with academic staff in order to ensure that the appropriate levels of user feed-back are maintained
  • To engage with the local community through the provision of external membership and walk-in visitor arrangements

More information on Library Services