Corpus stylistics for the English classroom

University of Birmingham
Friday 16 June 2017 (09:30-15:00)

Please register by emailing Viola at

The workshop aims to support teachers in applying corpus methods in the classroom.

After an introduction to basic techniques, we will focus on the study of literary texts. The day is designed to give teachers loads of hands-on experience using the CLiC web app and examples of the types of exercises that might be usefully applied in the classroom. For a review of one of our previous workshops see here.

The workshop is led by the CLiC team – Professor Michaela Mahlberg, Professor Peter Stockwell and Viola Wiegand. There will be an opening presentation by Dr Marcello Giovanelli. Marcello is the editor of the AQA A/AS Level English Language and Literature series published by Cambridge University Press and runs the AQA blog The Definite Article.

Registration: The event is free for teachers. Refreshments will be provided. Please register by emailing Viola at