'Europe on the move' 

  • Fifth Annual Conference of the Graduate Centre for Europe
  • 7-8 April 2011
  • University of Birmingham Law School

Europe has always been a continent in flux. Its shifting political, cultural, economic and social fortunes have been, and remain, a function both of its own peculiarities and of changes imposed upon it by its relationship with the outside world.

This process of perpetual transition has characterised Europe's development for centuries.

The fifth annual conference of the Graduate Centre for Europe will encourage postgraduate researchers to offer their own definitions of “Europe on the move”. It will explore the concept of change and continuity in Europe from a wide variety of perspectives, encompassing the historical, current and future development of its structures, practices, and multiple identities.

This conference invites contributions from postgraduate researchers in a variety of disciplines with the express aim of learning from other academic approaches and sharing their own. The conference theme will encourage an open-minded exchange of ideas about topics we often consider to be embedded in our own research contexts.