Dr Caroline Essers


Dr. Caroline Essers will visit Birmingham 17-23 May and 8-12 June 2015 and will be hosted by Professor Monder Ram OBE.

Dr Essers is an Assistant Professor Strategic Human Resource Management at the Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Management and an Associate Professor Entrepreneurship at VU University Amsterdam. Caroline’s research focuses at the social dynamics of entrepreneurship, such as the identity constructions of female migrant entrepreneurs and their networking.

She uses diverse perspectives in her research on entrepreneurship, such as postcolonial feminist theory and social constructivist approaches like the narrative/life-story approach.

Her work has been published in the Organization Studies, Organization, Human Relations, Gender, Work and Organization, British Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, and International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. She is an Associate Editor for Gender, Work and Organization, and is organizing the stream on Critical Entrepreneurship Studies (CES) on the Critical Management Studies (CMS) conference for the fourth time this year.