Female sexuality as subject: culture, policy and practice

Tuesday 11 September 2012 (10:00-15:30)

Workshop Leader: Dr Nicki Ward


7th Floor East Muirhead Tower

Within the University there are a range of people working on the cross cutting issues of gender and sexuality exploring issues as diverse as cultural and historical constructions of sexuality, representation of sexuality in media and public policy and the role of gender and sexuality within social policy and practice. The aim of this workshop is to bring these academics together with people from the business and policy community in the West Midlands, to discuss the development of research in the area, forge new partnerships and consider the development of creative dissemination and impact activities. Through discussion the workshop will identify salient themes and priorities to inform the development of research on female sexuality.

Workshop Programme

9.30 - 10.00   Arrival and Coffee

10.00 - 10.30 Welcome and Introductions

10.30 - 11.30 What is Female Sexuality and What is its Importance?

  • Sharing current interests and areas of work

11.30  Coffee

11.45 - 1.00  Convergence and Divergence

  • Exploring the similarities and differences 

1.00  Lunch

2.00 - 3.00 Opportunities for Collaboration

  • Identifying key themes, strengths and needs

3.00 - 3.30 Next Steps 

  • Developing a research agenda