PARTNERS2: collaborative care for people with severe mental illness

Partners2 logoPARTNERS2 aims to enable primary care and community based mental health services to work more closely together and to develop an evidenced based model of care to support individuals with severe mental illness in primary care with secondary care support.

It has the potential for large impact on the care of people with severe mental illness. PARTNERS2 focuses on the 70% of adult service users with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar who are seen in primary care alone.

At the end of the five year Programme, we will know if collaborative care for people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar in England is likely to work, based on the views of all the people involved in setting it up and using it, how well people are feeling in themselves, the quality of their lives, how many feel they are more recovered, and what the system costs to run.