Distance learning student testimonials

Discover what our distance learning students have to say about studying at Birmingham. 

"So far it has been a tremendously rewarding and inspiring experience. Great communication with the supervisors and the administration staff reinforces the feeling that I brought my research to the right place."
- Lukasz, PhD Musicology. Read Lukasz's full student profile

Michael Austin, MA by Research Shakespeare Studies

      "I was thrilled to find out not only that such a good university offered distance learning, but also that what is arguably the best university for Shakespeare Studies worldwide offered distance learning."


Karen Frances McCarthy, PhD English Literature
      "There's been quite a lot of very useful and very helpful information accessible on the Canvas courses, on the online workshops"
Valentina Santini, PhD Egyptology

"The University of Birmingham perfectly meets my needs. The best thing about a distance learning course is the fact that I can do both - both studying and working."
Mike Brownnutt, PhD Philosophy

"My experience as a distance learner - it's been a lot of fun, it's allowed me to do things that I couldn't otherwise have done."