The education of pupils with SEN in primary schools: findings and implications from a systematic observation study (The Making a Statement (MaSt) Project)

R19 School of Education, Room G39
Wednesday 30 January 2013 (12:30-13:30)

Karen Turner-Brown, Department Secretary
Telephone +44 (0) 121 41 44834

Research in Progress Seminar 2012 (RIPS)

With presenters Peter Blatchford and Rob Webster from the Institute of Education, University of London

In September 2012, the government published draft legislation following its SEN Green Paper and consultation period in 2011. The MaSt Project is likely to be a crucial in providing evidence for both policymaking and classroom practice.

Professor Peter BlatchfordProfessor Peter Blatchford is Professor of Psychology and Education at the Institute of Education, University of London. His main area of interest is social developmental processes in school settings. He has published over 10 books and over 70 peer reviewed papers. He has a international reputation for work on school breaktimes/recess and peer relations in school – which are often overlooked but can be very important for learning and social development.


Rob WebsterRob Webster is a researcher at the Institute of Education in London. He is co-director of the Making a Statement project, which is investigating the educational experiences of pupils with a statement for SEN. Before his research career, Rob worked for six years as a teaching assistant in schools in London and the south-east. He is the co-author of Reassessing the Impact of Teaching Assistants and Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants.



Please register your interest with Karen Turner-Brown

Cost: free of charge