Alisha Paddock

Alisha Paddock

Department of Theology and Religion
Doctoral Researcher

Contact details

PhD title: Sacred Space in New Testament ekklēsiai
Supervisor: Karen Wenell and Charlotte Hempel
Home country: USA
PhD Theology and Religion


I am investigating emerging senses of sacred space within the first century ekklēsiai of Corinth and Ephesus.  If space turns into place by the adoption of certain identities, behaviours and histories, how does place turn sacred?  Do these identities, behaviours and histories contribute to the sacredness of a space?  Looking at the material culture of Corinth and Ephesus as well as the New Testament letters written to these believing communities will help determine how the physical spaces of the cities were used and enable contemporary readers to more fully understand the idea of sacred space within these ekklēsiai.