Laura Healy

Laura Healy

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
Doctoral Researcher

Contact details

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

PhD Title: Motivation and goal self-regulation

Supervisors: Dr Nikos Ntoumanis, Professor Joan Duda, Dr Brandon Stewart (Psychology)

Laura Healy is a Doctoral Research in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK. Her work primarily focuses on maximizing optimal goal striving in sport.


BSc (Hons)Sport Science – 1st Class,
MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology - Distinction


Laura received a 1st Class BSc (Hons) in Sport Science and an MSc (distinction) in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology from Bangor University. Following this, she worked as a Research Assistant at Bangor University before taking a Research Associate post funded by the ESRC at the University of Birmingham. She is currently a PhD student working with Dr. Nikos Ntoumanis, Prof. Joan Duda and Dr. Brandon Stewart. The PhD is examining goal striving in sport and is funded by the ESRC. Laura has presented her work at several national and international conferences. This includes placing 5th in the Young Investigator’s Award at the European College of Sports Sciences in Barcelona, June 2013.

Outside of academia, Laura has worked as a Sailing Instructor for 8 years. She is also a qualified hockey coach, coaching junior, county and adult teams. She enjoys hockey, loves Everton FC, good food and wine and being outdoors.


Member of the Sport and Exercise Psychology research group.
Research interests include: Coach behaviours, Goals and motivation in Sport, Psychological skills, Personality and individual differences, Anxiety and Coping.

Other activities

Laura is the co-founder and director of Psyched 4 Sport, a creative enterprise which aims to deliver quality sport psychology information to a broader audience. This involves producing an illustrated publication, with designs accompanying short written pieces from a wide range of contributors, as well running workshops about applying sport psychology techniques to a range of different groups. More information can be found on our website  


Ntoumanis, Healy, Sedikides, Duda, Stewart, Smith & Bond (in press). When the going gets tough: The “Why” of goal striving matters. Journal of Personality. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12047

Ntoumanis, Healy, Sedikides, Smith, & Duda (in press). Self-regulatory responses to unattainable goals: The role of goal motives. Self and Identity.

Healy, Ntoumanis, Veldhuijzen van Zanten & Paine (under review). The role of contextual and personal motivation for goal striving and well-being in sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.