Help a young carer go to university while providing daily care for a loved one with an illness or disability

Ease the pressure for young carers, so they can attend university

When their fellow students head off after lectures to a part-time job, a student society or to do assignments in the library, young carers have to rush home to care for a parent, sibling or other loved one. Caring for someone should not prevent young people from realising their dreams for their own lives.

Support-Carers-in-BirminghamCaring for an unwell family member can be a full-time job. Many young people dedicate all their spare time to helping their family. Yet their dedication means that they often struggle to see how they could combine going to university with their responsibilities at home.

Those who do make it to university face real financial struggle and stress that harms their chances of being able to complete their degree.

Give young carers the chance to prepare for their own future

Katie-Mae-carersYoung carers like Katie Mae need your support

'I was needed at home to help my mum care for my brother who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, and my sister who has autism. The Young Carer Award meant I could be there each evening for my family in Coventry and take the train to campus every morning. Having now graduated, I hope to help people with disabilities to access modern technologies.'

Katie Mae is now studying for a PhD in Computer Science at Birmingham on the topic of emulating sensory rooms to help reduce anxiety for people with sensory processing disorders.

Make a donation

You can help young carers combine their caring responsibilities with planning for their future, through a gift starting at £5 a month.

Give time

If you have experience of caring for family members, a young carer could really benefit from your advice and motivation. Give just an hour a month of your time to become a mentor.

Donate Now

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