University of Birmingham Dubai leadership

We advance. We activate.
  • professor-yusra-mouzughi-min

    Dubai Provost

    Professor Yusra Mouzughi

    As Provost of the University of Birmingham Dubai, Professor Yusra Mouzughi leads our academic vision and strategy. With over 20 years of experience in the higher education sector, she has a passion for providing quality and relevant education that meets the needs of the diverse and dynamic UAE and regional markets.

    Find out more about our Provost
  • Ben Bailey stood smiling behind podium at graduation.

    Dubai Chief Operating Officer

    Ben Bailey

    Ben Bailey, Chief Operating Officer for the University of Birmingham Dubai, is responsible for leading our Professional Services function. He has extensive experience working at higher education institutions in the UK and translated his leadership to the UAE to support the University’s academic mission and students when he moved to Dubai to set up the Dubai Campus in 2018.

University of Birmingham leadership

Learn about the University's leadership team and governance structures, which drive our global reputation and support the strategic priorities outlined in our 2030 Strategic Framework.