BBC News LGBT Correspondent Ben Hunte

Friday 5 February 2021 (17:00-18:30)

Dr Julian Pänke -

The BBC News LGBT correspondent Ben Hunte will be talking to us about how he reports news in this time of positive and negative changes for the world wide LGBTQIA+ community. 

Ben Hunte has reported on LGBT+ news for the BBC since 2019, telling us stories of hope, protest and activism as well as exposing policies that have impacted the lives of LGBTQIA+ people in the UK and worldwide.
In a year of great ruptures – to everyday life, politics, and health – Ben will talk us about how he reports on these events and has the resilience to keep going. We might also get to see Roxy, his dog.

This event is a part of the Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences cultural programme and is open to students and staff at the University of Birmingham.

Online. Registration required.

Open to students and staff at the University of Birmingham.