Visit to the National Museum of Computing

National Museum of Computing, TBC
Sunday 26 February 2023 (09:30-18:00)

Computer Science Society and oSTEM are planning a trip to the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park, the center of allied codebreaking during the Second World War!

During LGBTQ+ History Month, CSS and oSTEM will be visiting the National Museum of Computing, a museum dedicated to the collection and restoration of historic computer systems. The museum is located in Bletchley Park, the center of Allied codebreaking in World War II and the place of work of Alan Turing, a founder of modern artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and a gay man.

We will be leaving from North Gate via coach at 09:30 and leave at 16:30 to be back at campus around 18:00.

Contact: to book your place.

Accessibility information for this event

UoB Students with membership to either Computer Science Society (CSS) or oSTEM at University Birmingham