'Where Land Meets Sea'

Monday 13 March (10:00) - Monday 4 September 2017 (17:00)

Jon Clatworthy, Director of the Lapworth Museum of Geology

Email: j.c.clatworthy@bham.ac.uk

Where land meets sea

The Lapworth Museum of Geology is proud to host, 'Where land meets sea', a temporary exhibition of Dr. Richard Greswell's photographic work.

Dr. Richard Greswell ARPS,  a scientist and photographer, explores our coastline where the geology of our island nation is uniquely exposed.  The relentless interaction between the sea and rock create countless and ever-changing landforms, shapes and textures that fascinate us with their beauty and make us wonder of their origin and secrets they contain.

 The work draws on the concept that art and science are not opposites, but actually part of the same continuum of human creativity. In both disciplines, particularly so the natural sciences and visual arts, it is often careful observation and understanding of the world around us that both inspires and informs.