Kids In Museums Take Over Day 2022

Audio Guide




What is Kids in Museums Take Over Day?

Take Over Day is when museums, galleries, historic hmes, archives and heritage sites invite young people in to take over jobs normally done by adults. To find out more, visit the Kids in Museums Take Over Day webpage.

What did the Lapworth Museum of Geology do for Take Over Day 2022?

This year we welcomed pupils frm Pearl Hyde Primary School, Coventry. The pupils were introduced to the museum and our dinosaur Roary before finding out what their job of the day was - creating the audio for a new audio guide! Pupils identified their favourite items on display in the collections, discovered interesting facts and shared why they chose those specific objects.

Where can we find the audio recordings produced by Pearl Hyde Primary School?

The audio for each object can be found on the museum's Youtube channel. Use the links below to find out more about each of the items and hear what the pupils had to say. The map at the top of the page also helps you find the objects if you visit the museum.

Museum Map of Objects

Audio Trail Map Kids in Museum Take Over DayYou can download a pdf of the map here

Object 1: The Crazy Cabinet of Curiosities

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Video Transcript: 

In the 17th century they were made to impress rich people’s friends. There were many strange things in the cabinet including many small shells and a pickaxe. I love how there are lots of skeletons, it helps me understand the bone structure of humans and animals. There are many strange things in the cabinet of curiosities. It reminds me of my brain.


Object 2: Awesome Allosaurus

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Video Transcript:

The allosaurus weighed 1.5 tonnes. The allosaurus was such a good predator because it had sharp teeth, two arms with sharp claws, powerful legs and a long tail. The allosaurus ate plant-eaters such as stegosaurus. Allosaurus was discovered in the USA. Roary the allosaurus has a lump on its foot because it had broken it. Our favourite thing about Roary is that it is a fierce dinosaur with a long tail and sharp teeth. 

Object 3: Pteranodon

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Slide3Video Transcript:

Pteranodon was one of the best known flying reptiles that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. Pteranodons lived about 85 million years ago. Pteranodons lived in the Cretaceous period. The wingspan was 7 metres, twice the size of the largest living bird. Pteranodons ate fish. I like the huge wings and the pointy crest on the top, and the pointy beak too.


Object 4: The Rock Wall

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Slide4Video Transcript:

The rock wall contains more than 125 rock specimens divided into three main groups. The first thing we noticed is that rocks are different shapes and different sizes. There are three groups called Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and Igneous.  Our favourite thing about the rocks is that they are bumpy and colourful. On the rock wall, the video shows how rocks are made.


Object 5: Mythical Shark Tooth (Megalodon Tooth)

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Slide5Video Transcript:

The Megalodon was a giant shark and it became extinct 2.6 million years ago. Megalodon can grow to become 18 metres long and weigh up to3 tonnes. Megalodon ate sharks and fish. Our favourite things about Megalodon are that they had sharp teeth and were very strong under water predators. They were the largest fish to have ever lived.


Object 6: Wonderful Woolly Mammoths

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Slide6Video Transcript:

Woolly Mammoths are large in size, with long tusks which keep them safe from predators. Woolly mammoths were vulnerable to attack from cave hyaenas, wolves and cave lions. The woolly mammoth bones were found in England. This brings my attention because they have very old bones and are one of the largest animals from the Ice Age.


Object 7: Fantastic Fluorescent Minerals

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Slide8Video Transcript:

There are many types of fluorescent mineral including halite and opal. They glow beautiful neon colours like peach, pink, white and purple. At first you see normal brownish and black rock but after pushing the button they turn into magical wonders. It makes me feel happy in side and some of them even sparkle.


Object 8: Amazing Minerals (Mineral Case 1)

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Slide9Video Transcript:

These amazing minerals come in more than 4900 varieties. The minerals are arranged by colour order. Rocks are actually combinations of minerals. The minerals pulled in because of the diversity, colour, shape and shine. 


Object 9: Rare Rainbow Minerals (Mineral Case 2)

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Slide10Video Transcript:

Minerals are the stable, solid forms of matter at particular temperatures and pressures. There are 4900 recognised minerals that have been discovered. They bring my attention because they are so colourful. They are my favourite because they come in different shapes, sizes and colours. There are 143 minerals in this case at the museum.


Object 10: The Interactive Globe

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Slide11Video Transcript:

The Interactive globe has many modes such as wind, rain and tsunamis. Did you know that between 20 to 30 earthquakes are felt a year in the UK. Death Valley is the hottest (air temperature) location on Earth, around 56.7 degrees Celsius. The first thing we notice about the globe is that it is interactive and very bright. Our favourite thing about it is that you can play with it for hours on end.

Object 11: Evolution of Human Skulls

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Slide7Video Transcript:

Human ancestors first started to make tools about 3.3 million years ago. By 1.8 million years ago, tool makers had begun to shape tools. This display shows the evolution of skulls of humans. For example, Sahelanthropus tchadensis


Thank you Pearl Hyde for your amazing audio tour!
