Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Mental Health: Strategies, Interventions and Approaches

This module will outline the key approaches to interventions, strategies and approaches to meeting the needs of children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) and mental health problems.

Models of practice are explored which will be linked to key theoretical perspectives covered in the module SEBD: Identification, Assessment and Provision. Factors that contribute to prevention and the exacerbation of SEBD and mental health and well-being problems within educational, health and care provision will be addressed with a focus on evidence-based effectiveness practice. Activities, which enable students to explore influences on the management of conflict, attendance issues and school exclusions will be a part of this module. The contributions of multi-agency working, extended schools and workplace reforms will be addressed.

This module will give you 20 credits at Postgraduate Masters Level/Level 7.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • Gain a critical understanding and evaluation of approaches informed by key theoretical models of SEBD and mental health and explain these in contexts of inclusion and discrimination
  • Show a critical understanding of whole school, inter-agency and intra-agency approaches to promoting behaviour management, mental health and wellbeing in different settings
  • Critically assess inter- and intra-personal conflict management issues
  • Show an understanding and critical awareness of pastoral, counselling and personal, social, whole-school and environmental issues in relation to SEBD and mental health and wellbeing
  • Provide a critical understanding of school exclusions


You will be assessed through a range of work, enabling you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understanding of the theory and practical application of the module material. 

You will have one specific formative assessment (where you receive informal feedback, but it does not count towards your module grade) and two components of summative assessment (which are each graded).  

Through this comprehensive range of assessment components, your professional and academic careers will be enhanced.