Panayiota Vatikioti 

Research project

Supervisors Dr Gabriela Saldanha and Professor Michael Toolan

The aim of my research is to study stylistic shifts in the English translations of Marguerite Duras' novel  Le Ravissement de Lol V Stein with the help of corpus tools.

The goal of this thesis is to demonstrate how stylistic shifts in translation may affect salient traits of Duras' literary style, in particular, uses of punctuation and speech representation.  The thesis also explores whether the different uses of punctuation and reporting verbs by the translators reveal translators' different stylistic traits.

The use of corpus tools such as Wordsmith Tools and ParaConc can facilitate the process of comparison between originals and translations and offer some insight into the potential stylistic features that can be attributed to the translator's individual style. This research, also, highlights aspects of the translators' backgrounds as well as publishing  and marketing strategies which may affect their stylistic choices.
