Data Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and the Turing Institute

Staff House 3rd floor
Friday 29 June 2018 (12:00-16:00)

Open to all UoB researchers; to register please email Lauren Rawlins, including 1-5 keywords that define your research interests.

ati AI

WORKSHOP LEADER: Prof Jon Rowe, School of Computer Science / Director of Research for EPS

The aim of this workshop is to bring together colleagues from around the University who have an interest in Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, either as research subjects in their own right, or as they apply to different research areas (this might be technical, theoretical, experimental, qualitative or quantitative), and to discuss the University's partnership with the Alan Turing Institute, and how people can get involved. 

The main aims of the workshop are:

  • To find out more about how Data Science and AI feature in research around the campus
  • To identify potential new collaborative projects
  • To provide an update on the University’s partnership with the Alan Turing Institute, and how people can get involved.
  • To develop a Birmingham Institute for Data Science and AI, and explore how this might best work.

We strongly encourage academics from all Colleges to attend if they have an interest! 


The agenda:

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch - all welcome

1:00 - 2:30 Presentations on Turing Institute and Birmingham Data Science & AI:

  1. Tim Softley – Welcome
  2. Jon Rowe – Data Science and AI at Birmingham, and update on Turing Institute
  3. Chris Yau – Experience of being a Turing Fellow
  4. Ganna Pogrebna – Experience of being a Turing Fellow
  5. Jean-Baptiste Cazier – Data Science and AI for Life Sciences
  6. Ales Leonardis – Data Analysis and AI for Images at all scales
  7. Ganna Pogrebna – Responsible AI

2:30 - 3:30 Break out discussion groups:

  • What research questions can AI help you address?
  • How would you characterise the data which you work with?
  • What are the opportunities for interdisciplinary working in your group?
  • What are the opportunities arising from our involvement with the Turing Institute?

3:30 - 4:00 Refreshments and networking.

Post-Workshop Report