Workshop Archives 2013

Islamophobia1-220x1657th February - The 'Muslim Question' and the future of multiculturalism

Workshop leader: Dr Chris Allen


Biophilic Cities6th March - The Biophilic City: Building research capacity in urban change

Workshop leader: Professor Rob MacKenzie


Abortion21st-22nd March - Beyond the Rights & Wrongs of Abortion: Access as a Question of Reproductive Justice

Workshop leaders: Dr Sheelagh McGuinness and Frances Amery


Corporeal-Capitalism17th April - Corporeal Capitalism: Body Matters in IPE

Workshop leaders: Nicola Smith and Donna Lee


Sex-in-the-City1st May - Sex and the City (of Birmingham): Promoting the sexual health and wellbeing of adults aged 40+

Workshop leaders: Dr George Dowswell, Dr Ruth Mellor, Professor Tracy Roberts and Dr Sheila Greenfield


interpersonal-narratives2nd-3rd May - Narrative techniques in clinical research, education and therapy

Workshop leader: Professor John Skelton


interpersonal-narratives-213th June - Interpersonal narratives and mental health

Workshop leader: Professor Lisa Bortolotti

best-practice-for-pros2nd-3rd July - Best-Practice for Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Randomised Clinical Trials

Workshop leaders: Dr Melanie Calvert and Mr Derek Kyte



16th July - Bio-Social Methods for a Vitalist Social Science

Workshop leader: Dr Jessica Pykett

sexual-abuse-workshop-image17th July - Sexual abuse of children: Representation of Class, Race and Gender

Worshop leaders: Dr Ricky Joseph and Dr Surinder Guru


language in mind and society25th-26th July - Language in Mind and Society

Workshop leaders: Professor John Barnden and Dr Jeannette Littlemore


IAS Suite 5

30th July - Refugees and states in the modern Middle East: current challenges and historical perspectives

Workshop leader: Dr Ben White


Neuroscience4th September - Cross-Institution Neuroscience

Workshop leader: Professor Kim Shapiro


Work, Wealth & Well-being9th September - Work, Wealth and Well-being

Workshop leaders: Dr Beth Grunfeld and Dr Fiona Carmichael


communicating-mental-health16th-17th September - Communicating Mental Health, c.1700-2013

Workshop leader: Dr Jonathan Reinarz


responding-to-uprising26th September - Responding to Uprising: Urban Security Between Resilience and Resistance

Workshop leader: Dr Sara Fregonese


IAS Suite 61st-31st October - Climate Change and Arctic and Alpine Environments

Workshop leader: Professor Alexander Milner


HS28th November - HS2 or What?: Transport Choices and West Midlands Regeneration

Workshop leader: Professor Sir Peter Hall


nicholas-winton-prague4th December - The Kindertransport in History and Memory

Workshop leaders: Dr Rose Whyman and Dr Isabel Wollaston 


IAS Suite 1-2

11th December - The 3rd Industrial Revolution: Digital Fabrication and Manufacturing Competitiveness

 Workshop leader: Yufeng Zhang