Propose an IAS Workshop

Two people chatting in front of a big screen at an event.Topics should be multi-disciplinary, bringing together expertise from across the breadth of our University to address major cross-cutting ideas that are important, relevant and timely.

During restricted campus operations we would like to continue to support your ideas through on-line workshops with a view to hosting an ‘in person’ event once we are able to.

Workshop Proposal Guidelines

Application Process

To view an archive version, please  download our Workshop Proposals Form. A new version of the proposals form will be available when the next call for applications opens, and will be available on this page.

The proposals form asks for the following information:

  • Title of workshop;
  • Lead applicant;
  • Academic rationale for support;
  • Proposed outcomes from the workshop;
  • Other internal attendees (name and School and email addresses);
  • External attendees (academic and other external stakeholders) – please provide a case for each attendee who is not self-funding;
  • Ideal timing of workshop if possible;
  • Any other information deemed to be relevant in the light of the IAS’ aims.

Please do not provide costings with your proposal, as these will be calculated by IAS.

Application Timings

A new call for workshop applications will be opened soon, upon which deadlines for these proposals will be announced.

Please contact Sue Gilligan to discuss the submission of proposals outside these deadlines.