Enabling a Clinical Academic Career:
Metchley Park Medical Society and University of Birmingham Starter Fellowships
Applications for the 2021 round are now closed
Are you a clinician interested in translational research? Would you like to undertake a PhD or MD but need the skills and experience to make the first step? Do you have an idea for a research project but need funding to develop an application for a competitive fellowship?
We are proud to be offering a fellowship scheme designed to provide the launch pad for a clinician interested in translational research.
These one year fellowships are funded through the kind support of Metchley Park Medical Society and the University of Birmingham.
During the fellowship, applicants are expected to undertake the necessary pilot and preparatory work required to apply to research funding bodies for a competitive clinical doctoral training fellowship for a further two or three years protected research time to allow the successful completion of the project, acquisition of an MD or PhD and progression towards a clinical academic career.
What will the fellowship offer?
- The fellowships will provide one year’s salary cost which is expected to be undertaken full-time
- A consumables/training bursary of up to £10k provided by the UoB Integrated Academic Training Programme
- Successful completion of one year’s research will result in the award of a Masters by Research qualification
- You will gain full access to the University of Birmingham (UoB) education facilities
Who can apply?
All applicants must:
- Be in possession of a clinical qualification
- If in possession of a medical qualification, must also have a postgraduate qualification such as the MRCP or equivalent. A National Training Number is desirable
- If an Academic Clinical Fellow (ACF), you must clearly justify why this post is necessary
- Have identified an area of research and a supervisor who must be a consultant or scientist within University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust or the University of Birmingham.
- Have the full support of the clinical supervisor/manager to undertake the 1 year fellowship
- Have agreement from the supervisor/manager to cover any additional consumable costs of the project to be undertaken during the fellowship
- Have clear plans for the provision of further funding with specific funding streams (fellowships, project grants) identified
We would particularly encourage applications with a focus on:
- Applied Health Research
- Translational research
- Bioinformatics research using big data
How do I apply?
The deadline for all applications is Friday 9th April 2021. Interviews will take place in April/May 2021, with successful fellows commencing in the Autumn of 2021.
Applicants will need to complete the following steps:
1. Complete the application form (available from the "Downloads" section at the bottom of this page). Word limits must be strictly observed, applications exceeding word limits will be rejected without being read. No appendices or supporting documents will be accepted
2. Provide a two page CV of the applicant using the template in the “Downloads” section
3. Provide a two page CV of the supervisor
4. Submit all of the above to icat@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Where can I find out more?
For further information please email Professor Lorraine Harper at icat@contacts.bham.ac.uk
MPMS-UoB Fellowship Application Form 2020_21 39kb doc
MPMS-UoB Applicant CV Template 2020_21 39 kb doc