Professor Sudha Jayaraman, Utah University

Sudha Jayaraman, MD, MSc, FACS, is a Professor of Surgery in the Division of General Surgery and Director of the Center for Global Surgery at the University of Utah. Dr. Jayaraman completed her General Surgery residency at UCSF, during which she obtained a Masters Degree in Public Health in Developing Countries at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and worked on several projects on trauma epidemiology and trauma systems development in Uganda. After finishing residency, she went on to do a Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery fellowship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School where she was awarded the Harvard Medical School Health Disparities Fellowship to work on evaluating disparities in injury mortality in Kigali, Rwanda. Dr. Jayaraman has authored numerous publications on injury in low and middle income countries. She is an author and peer-reviewer for the Cochrane Systematic Reviews Injury Group and a collaborator and coauthor of numerous papers on Global Burden of Disease by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. Her domestic interests are on medication safety in trauma and critically ill patients. She has been funded by the NIH, Rotary Foundation and DOD for domestic and global trauma research.

Professor Sudha Jayaraman