
SHarPS is a relatively new study that started in August 2016 and so no publications from the study are yet available. Below are links to papers which members of the team have previously authored about healthcare students’ education. 

Mathers JM, Sitch A, Parry JM.  (2016) Longitudinal assessment of the impact of the use of the UK Clinical Aptitude Test as a ‘Threshold Test’ for application selection.  Medical Education (in press)  

Mathers JM, Sitch A, Parry JM. (2016). Longitudinal analyses of offer likelihoods in UK medical schools 1996-2012.  Medical Education 50: 612-23 

Mathers J.M., Sitch A., Marsh J., Parry J.M. (2011)Widening access for under-represented socio-economic groups to medical education: population-based cross-sectional analysis of UK data, 2002-2006. British Medical Journal 342:d918 

Mathers J.M., Parry J.M (2010)Stories of the application process to medicine: An interview study. Medical Education 44: 1084-1094. 

Mathers J.M., Parry J.M.  (2009).Exploring why are there so few applicants to medicine from working class backgrounds. An interview study: learning from ‘success stories’ Medical Education 43: 219-228. 

Parry J.M., Mathers J.M., Stevens A.J., Lilford R., Spurgeon P, Thomas H. (2008). More students, less capacity: an assessment of the competing demands on academic medical staff.  Medical Education 42:1155-1165. 

Do P., Mathers J.M., Parry J.M., Richardson M. (2006). A comparison of socio-economic status using parental occupation and area deprivation score among applicants to medical schools, 1996-2003. Medical Education 40: 750-58 

Mathers JM, Scully E, Parry J.M., Popovic C. (2006). Student perceptions of a ‘new’ teaching hospital Medical Teacher 28: e80-e89 

Parry J.M., Mathers J.M., Stevens A.J., Parsons A, Lilford R., Spurgeon P, Thomas H.(2006). A review of medical student admission processes in 23 English medical schools. British Medical Journal 332:1005-1009. 

Hendry RG, Kawai GK, Moody WE, Sheppard JE, Smith LCR, Richardson M, Mathers JM, Parry JM. (2005). Consultant Attitudes To Undertaking Undergraduate Teaching Duties: Perspectives From Hospitals Serving A Large Medical School In England.  Medical Education 39:1129-39 

Mathers J.M., Parry J.M., Lewis S.J., Greenfield S. (2004).  What impact will an increased number of teaching general practices have on patients, doctors and medical students? Medical Education 38:1219-1228 

Mathers J.M., Parry J.M., Lewis S.J., Greenfield S. (2003).  What impact will the ‘conversion’ of two district general hospitals into ‘teaching hospitals’ have on doctors, medical students and patients? – Views from the field. Medical Education 37: 223-32. 

Parry J.M., Mathers J.M, A. Al-Fares, M. Mohammad, M. Nandakumar, D. Tsivos (2002).  Hostile teaching hospitals and friendly district general hospitals: final year students’ views on clinical attachment locations. Medical Education 36:1131-42. 

Parry J.M., Greenfield S (2001).  Community based undergraduate medical teaching: killing the goose that laid the golden egg? Medical Education 35:722-23.