Local and Regional Economic Development

The broader research agenda for WMREDI is to understand the relative impact of various interventions and investments for regional economic growth, sustainability and the reduction of social inequality in the West Midlands and the UK.

Projects in this research theme look at Local and regional economic development, economic growth, productivity performance, economic resilience and the contribution to universities in shaping places and increasing local development and growth.

Economic resilience to shocks: implications for labour markets

Led by Tasos Kitsos, this project focuses on the reasons behind the differential resilience performance of areas at the sub-national level.

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Evaluating the impact of policy interventions on resilience and growth

Led by Josh Swan, this project will evaluate which policies are effective (and not effective) in fostering resilience in the economy and in turn, economic growth.

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The role of universities in regional growth

Led by John Goddard, this project aims to gain a better understanding of the role that different types of universities can play in their localities and their ultimate contribution to regional socio-economic development and growth.

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