Travel Bursaries 2022

Successful recipients of travel bursaries awarded for the 2022 3rd Annual Network Meeting are listed below, together with testimonials highlighting the value of receiving these awards to facilitate travel to our Annual Network Meetings.

Travel Bursaries


Dr William Horsnell
Associate Professor, University of Cape Town
South Africa

'The meeting provided insight into relevant research. More importantly it introduced me to leading researchers in this field. The interactions with them were critical for understanding the relevance of my work in this community. I came away having established new relationships that I am already seeing contributing to my work.'


Dr Intan Noor Aina Kamaruzaman
Senior Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

'I learned a lot from experienced researchers and am glad to have created good networking for my next project on bacterial vaccines' development among LMIC researchers and the UK institutions.'


Dr Geofrey Makenga
Research Scientist, National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)

'It was my first time attending a Network Meeting, but the impression was superb and left a mark that I should continue working together with this Network.'


Dr Rowena Mitchell
Biological Assessor, Veterinary Medicines Directorate
United Kingdom

'The Bactivac Meeting in Kenya was an invaluable experience due to the high quality and breadth of the presentations. In addition, as it was a relatively small meeting, it was easier to meet people and the networking opportunities were very well managed.'

HOARE Rowena

Dr Edna Ondari
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Dundee
United Kingdom

'The structured networking (speed dating) was invaluable, especially for facilitating conversations and getting to know people/meet peers, colleagues and established researchers in an environment where such interactions aren’t easy or organic for most people.'


Dr Marisol Perez-Toledo
Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
United Kingdom

‘This meeting was career transforming. There were plenty of opportunities to approach the other attendees in a relaxed environment and discuss science, career plans or ideas. The setting selected to have the meeting was beautiful, and it was very refreshing to hear about the research done in Africa.’ 


Dr Tatiana Pinto
Assistant Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

'The meeting ratifies the importance and relevance of networking and collaboration for the development and advancement of Science. Specifically in vaccinology, collaborative efforts are the crucial for achieving success, and BactiVac meetings offer the best in science networking.'

Tatiana Castro Abreu Pinto - TB

Professor Sevda Senel
Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology, Hacettepe University



Dr Nadja Vielot
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
United States of America

'It was awesome to see all the impressive work in bacterial vaccines research, particularly in the hardest-hit regions of the world, and inspired me to continue working in vulnerable populations, and even expand the scope of my work to different locations and disease prevention areas.'

'The opportunities for learning and collaboration are fabulous, and I so appreciate their focus on developing and showcasing LMIC scientists.'

'I was blown away by the collegiality and openness of the attendees.'


Dr Mohamed Yousif
Post-doctoral Research Associate, University College London
United Kingdom

'The Network Meeting was vital because it enabled me not only to see the work conducted by other members, but also to find work that could be of potential benefit to my current work. It allowed me to find answers and solutions to some questions and problems in my current work.'

YOUSIF Mohamed


The Annual Network Meetings are open to members only. If you would like to become a member, please complete our short online membership application form.