Apply to join the Birmingham 1000 elders

Any adult aged 60 or over and in good health can become a member of the Birmingham 1000 Elders. Being a member of the group is a great way to share your experience and help to make a difference to the way we live our lives. 

By joining the group, you register your interest in taking part in research projects at the University. Often this may involve simply answering a questionnaire, although some studies may require participants to come to the University to take part. Sometimes members are asked to take part in focus groups or to review written materials such as reports or grant proposals. Some projects are mentally stimulating, others may involve some physical activity. Either way, all projects will have been approved by an ethics committee and you are free to accept or decline any invitation to take part.

If you would like an application form complete the form below or write to Birmingham 1000 Elders Administrator, Research and Knowledge Transfer Office, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT.

By clicking 'submit' you agree to give consent to your contact details being shared with the University of Birmingham. To find out how the University uses your data please read our Birmingham 1000 Elders privacy notice

Request a Birmingham 1000 Elders application form

  • Name
  • Address