Equality, Diversity and Belonging

Equality, Diversity and Belonging are strongly embedded in Birmingham Business School’s vision as shown by the School’s Inclusivity Pledge and strong commitment to the Principles of Responsible Management Education.


Inclusivity pledge

This Birmingham Business School Inclusivity Pledge follows collaborative work between 2019-2021 with academics and professional services staff in the School through feedback collected at School Assemblies and the School inclusivity sessions to develop a deeper understanding of what an inclusive environment looks like in BBS. This Pledge supports our responsible business values and promotes equality, fairness, recognition and mutual respect. In implementing this Pledge, we aim to move forwards together, with the common goal of making the School a better place for everyone.

The Pledge supports the University EDI Scheme 2021-24 and its themes: Create inclusive environments; Dismantle barriers; Integrate EDI. The School takes this Pledge very seriously: we stand by this and we actively welcome you to challenge any behaviours and/or practices that do not promote inclusivity. United by this Pledge, as colleagues and students, we will continuously strive to use our voices and influence to support equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace for everyone at BBS.

We pledge to…

1)     Continually cultivate a culture of inclusivity and seek ways to enhance inclusivity at BBS

2)     Have trust in our colleagues and be trustworthy ourselves

3)     Promote equal opportunities, equality and fairness as part of a wider ongoing EDI agenda

4)     Ensure that our hiring practices are transparent and always have diverse interview panels

5)     Communicate with colleagues and students in a respectful and courteous manner

6)     Ensure our environment encourages staff to express their views and ways of working

7)     Empower our students during their learning and support student voice

8)     Be caring, compassionate and welcoming members of our community

9)     Actively seek ways to improve our understanding of EDI issues, e.g. training, mentoring

10)  Create safe, accessible spaces for all our colleagues and students and ensuring all information is accessible