Lorna Giltrow-Shaw

Lorna Giltrow-Shaw

Shakespeare Institute
Doctoral researcher

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PhD title: “This low built house will bring us to our ends”: Plague Quarantine and Prophylactic Boundaries in Early Modern Drama and Culture, 1593-1636.
Supervisor: Dr Simon Smith and Dr Erin Sullivan
PhD Shakespeare Studies


My research examines how the applied physical, psychical, and phenomenological plague-time​ prophylactic boundaries condition urban space within early modern London. As theatre offers a locus for sharing the human experience, creative interactions with plague-time prevention may offer crucial insights into how plague spatial orders were understood, assimilated, and experienced. These latent experiences will be engaged with through examining how applied defensive boundaries, such as quarantine, reorientate the spatial paradigms within the early modern playhouse space itself, and the conceptual worlds within its drama.   My aim is to explore these dramatic articulations of plague-time space and their interactions with the material performance space, as alert and critical models of contemporary prophylactic practice, and as cultural records of a largely unknown early modern experience.