Professor Laura Crane

Professor Laura Crane

School of Education
Professor of Autism Studies
Director of the Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER)

Contact details

School of Education
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Laura holds a Chair in Autism Studies within the School of Education, where she is Director of the Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER). The goal of Laura's work is to conduct research on topics that matter to autistic people and their allies, through working in collaboration with them. In this regard, Laura's research interests are wide-ranging, and she has published extensively in the fields of education, healthcare, and criminal justice.


  • PhD in Psychology, 2010
  • MSc in Research Methods in Psychology, 2006
  • BSc (Hons) in Psychology, 2005


Laura completed her BSc (2005), MSc (2006) and PhD (2009) in Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her PhD research focused on autobiographical memory in autistic adults. Following completion of her PhD, she undertook a range of research and teaching roles at various London-based universities, including UCL, City, Goldsmiths and LSBU. 

In 2017, Laura was appointed as Associate Professor at UCL’s Institute of Education, based within the Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE). She was promoted to Professor of Autism Research and Education in 2023.

In 2024, Laura moved to the University of Birmingham’s School of Education, in the Department for Disability, Inclusion and Special Needs (DISN). Laura was appointed to the role of Chair in Autism Studies and Director of the Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER).


MA Inclusion

Postgraduate supervision

Laura welcomes enquiries from prospective doctoral students who are keen to pursue research that matters to autistic people and their allies, and that meaningfully involves them in knowledge co-creation. Laura’s main area of focus is autism education, and she is especially keen to hear from those with personal and/or professional connections to the field of autism education research.

Other activities

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2023
  • UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor, 2021
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2020


Recent publications


Pavlopoulou, G, Crane, L, Hurn, R & Milton, D (eds) 2024, Improving Mental Health Therapies for Autistic Children and Young People: Promoting Self-agency, Curiosity and Collaboration. Anna Freud: Key Ideas and Best Practice, 1st edn, Routledge, London.


Fletcher-Watson, S, Joseph, H, Crane, L, Pavlopoulou, G, Lukito, S, Funnell, E, Alcorn, AM & Crompton, C 2025, 'Applied Principles for Inclusive Practice in Neurodevelopmental Research: A Selection and Report of Illustrative Case Studies', Current Developmental Disorders Reports.

Gallagher, L, Crane, L, Dineen, T, Ibrahim, N, Mulryan, N, Bolshakova, N, Harris, A, O'Rourke, L & Pellicano, E 2025, 'Examining the barriers and facilitators to service provision for autistic people in Ireland: a survey of psychiatrists', The Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine.

Robinson, E & Crane, L 2025, 'Examining the impact of drama-based sessions on Autistic pupils’ social emotional wellbeing: a multi-informant qualitative study', British Journal of Special Education.

Chan, MY, Han, E & Crane, L 2025, 'Preschool and Primary School Teachers’ Understanding and Awareness of Identifying and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs in Singapore', International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.

Ashworth, M, Heasman, B, Crane, L & Remington, A 2025, 'Tracking the Long-Term Outcomes of a Supported Employment Internship Programme for Autistic Adults without a Learning Disability', Neurodiversity, vol. 3, 27546330241311472, pp. 1-30.

Irvine, B, Elise, F, Brinkert, J, Poole, D, Farran, EK, Milne, E, Scerif, G, Crane, L & Remington, A 2024, '‘A storm of post-it notes’: experiences of perceptual capacity in autism and ADHD', Neurodiversity.

Cooper, K, Burnley, A, Allain, L, Beresford, B, Crane, L, Morales, MV, Portway, L, Redmayne, B, Russell, A & Mandy, W 2024, 'Autism Transition to Adulthood Groups (ATAG): protocol for a feasibility RCT of a new peer-group intervention to promote successful transition to adulthood for autistic young people ', BMJ open, vol. 14, no. 11, e089802.

Ashworth, M, Heasman, B, Crane, L & Remington, A 2024, 'Evaluating the impact of an online autism training on changing employers’ autism knowledge and commitment to inclusion in the workplace', Neurodiversity, vol. 2, pp. 1-14.

Davies, J, Islam, L, Carter, S, Redmayne, B, Cooper, K, Mandy, W & Crane, L 2024, 'Examining the support experiences of autistic young people with multiple marginalized identities in the United Kingdom', Autism in Adulthood.

Peachey, M & Crane, L 2024, '"I Don’t Understand Their Sense of Belonging": Exploring How Non-Binary Autistic Adults Experience Gender', Autism in Adulthood.

Buffle, P, Cavadini, T, de Lourdes Ortega, M, Armijos, C, Soto, P, Gentaz, E & Crane, L 2024, 'Journeys towards accessing an autism diagnosis and associated support: a survey of families of autistic children in Ecuador', Autism.


Crane, L 2024, 'Developments and future directions in neurodevelopmental research: A commentary on ‘camouflaging in neurodivergent and neurotypical girls at the transition to adolescence and its relationship to mental health: A participatory methods research study’', JCPP Advances.

Commissioned report

Ashworth, M, Heasman, B, Crane, L & Remington, A 2024, “An amazing life-changing experience!”: Tracking and Evaluating Employ Autism. University College London.

Review article

Davies, J, Cooper, K, Killick, E, Sam, E, Healy, M, Thompson, G, Mandy, W, Redmayne, B & Crane, L 2024, 'Autistic identity: A systematic review of quantitative research', Autism Research, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 874-897.

View all publications in research portal


Autism; special education