Geological Field Research Project


The module aims to develop skills in independent geological field research and the ability to integrate and synthesise a variety of data into a detailed geological map and explanatory report. Included with the map will be a detailed stratigraphical column for the area and relevant geological cross sections. The report comprises a thesis which includes processing and interpretation of field data, laboratory studies on thin sections, rock specimens, fossils etc., and background research using relevant published studies.

By the end of the module students should be able to:

  • Independently collect and analyse geological field data;
  • Successfully apply and integrate their geological knowledge to produce a geological map and explanatory report;
  • Write, edit and illustrate a report to a professional standard, including the use of in-house style guides;
  • Use Adobe Illustrator to produce complex technical diagrams.


  • Geological field slips, note books, map, cross-sections and 10,000 word (maximum) report [100%].