Diverse perspectives on green spaces

Thursday 17 December 2020 (12:00-13:00)

To find out more contact Derren Cresswell d.j.cresswell@bham.ac.uk  or Carl Stevenson c.t.stevenson@bham.ac.uk

engaging environments 3

This event will initially focus on the production and trailing of a new film produced by Aaron Wiggins from the BLESST centre with funding from EarthWatch. The film draws contributions from a range of communities within Birmingham about the current and historical use of green space and explores peoples' connections to the environment and their green spaces including parks and allotments. 

In addition to a discussion of the key themes  emerging from the film, we will also discuss how we bring together diverse perspectives to build a community of practice to facilitate increased collaboration and co-production of events that create new opportunities, actions, activities and projects to nurture our green space whilst nurturing ourselves and others.

These events are open to academic colleagues, third sector organisations, community groups and community members. Therefore this provides a unique opportunity to engage with and learn from a wealth of knowledge and experience over a range of diverse perspectives. 

Register your place