Gender and Inclusive Development

View on traditional Maya woman on market in Chamula Mexico.The Gender and Inclusive Development theme and group conducts research into gendered understandings of power, politics and identity.

We critically engage with development and peacebuilding agendas to expose the ways in which gender informs and shapes processes of exclusion, inequality, conflict and violence, both structural and direct.

Our research advances new understandings of gendered and intersectional inequalities and their theoretical, practical and policy implications for the field of development. 

Key contact: Dr Merisa Thompson

Research Projects

#MeToo in China Exhibition; Kailing Xie, School of Government Research Fund, 2022.

Intersections of Gender, Race and Class: The Impact of Colonial Legacies on Contemporary Food and Agricultural Policy in the Caribbean; Merisa Thompson, BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, 2023.

Gendering reconciliation: Local reintegration from an international perspective; Sanne Weber, The Leverhulme Trust, 2018


Cobley, D. (2023) Disability and International Development: A Guide for Students and Practitioners, 2 edn, London: Routledge. 

Cobley, D (2022) Rising to the challenge: disability organisations in the COVID-19 pandemicDisability & Society.

Derbyshire, H., Gibson, S., Hudson, D., and Roche, C. (2018) Politically Informed, Gender Aware Programming: Five Lessons from Practice, Birmingham: Developmental Leadership Program.

Gordon, R, Cheeseman, N, Rockowitz, S, Stevens, LM & Flowe, HD (2022) 'Government responses to gender-based violence during COVID-19', Frontiers in Global Women's Health, vol. 3, 857345. 

Huong, N. & Hyun, M. (forthcoming) ‘At the Nexus of Violence, Trade Sanctions and Vulnerabilities: Women Garment Workers in Myanmar Following the 2021 Military Coup’, Global Political Economy.

Hyun, M. (2023) Capacity Needs Assessment of the Justice Sector in LAO PDR to Implement the National Action Plan on Preventing and Eliminating Violence Against Women 2021-2023. UNDP Lao. 

Njoku, E.T., & Dery, I. (2023) Gendering Counter-Terrorism: Kunya and the Silencing of Male Victims of CRSV in Northeastern NigeriaAfrican Studies Review, 1-18. 

Njoku, E.T., Akintayo, J. & Mohammed, I. (2022) Sex trafficking and sex-for-food/money: terrorism and conflict-related sexual violence against men in the Lake Chad regionConflict, Security & Development, 22:1, 79-9.

Njoku, E.T. (2022) Queering Terrorism, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Roche, C., Cox, J., Derbyshire, H., Gibson, S., and Hudson, D. (2018) The Bigger Picture: Gender and Politics in Practice, Birmingham: Developmental Leadership Program.

Thompson, M.S. (2021) Cultivating ‘New’ Gendered Food Producers: Intersections of Power and Identity in TrinidadReview of International Political Economy, 28:1, 177-203. 

Thompson, M. (2020) Milk and the Motherland? Colonial Legacies of Taste and the Law in the Anglophone CaribbeanJournal of Food Law & Policy, pp. 135-157. 

Thompson, M. (2018) Critical Perspectives on Food, Political Economy & Gender, in J Elias & A Roberts (eds), Edward Elgar Handbook on the International Political Economy of Gender. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 470-485.

Weber, S. (2018) From Victims and Mothers to Citizens: Gender-Just Transformative Reparations and the Need for Public and Private Transitions, International Journal of Transitional Justice 12(1), 88-107

Xie, K., Njoku, E, & Thompson, M. (2023) How does my identity matter? Intersectionality, positionality, and power relations, in McLoughlin, C. et al. (eds) The Politics of Development, London: Sage. 

Xie, K., & Zhou, Y. (2022) Gendering National Sacrifices: The Making of New Heroines in China’s Counter-COVID-19 TV SeriesCommunication, Culture and Critique15(3), 372-392.

Xie, K. (2021) Embodying middle class gender aspirations: Perspectives from China's privileged young women, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.