Exploring crises in the modern Greek World cultural narratives, identity politics social life

ERI Building - G52 and G53
Friday 4 May 2018 (09:30-18:30)



Exploring crises in the modern Greek World: cultural narratives, identity politics, social life

This year's Colloquium looks at the notion of crisis ( krisis as a decision, an election , or a judgment) and sets out to explore how individuals or communities in the modern Greek world (1509 - 2018) make choices across critical times/shifts in the past or present. How were the turning point s in Greek socio-political history renegotiated in collective memory and which are their legacies? These questions will be investigated from different angles within the fields of Modern Greek literature, history, anthropology, media and other areas

Please download the programme and register your attendance

The site for the colloquium can be accessed through the following link:https://smgscolloquium2018.wordpress.com/