‘(S)extremism’: Theoretical and Artistic Interventions on Women and Extremism

The concept of ‘(s)extremism’, coined by Lisa Downing, describes the nexus of cultural expectations and judgments brought to bear on women who express ‘extreme’ views or who commit acts of (political/ ideological) violence that are at odds with sex-role stereotypes.

This project asks what constitutes ‘extremism’, who gets to decide, and in whose interests this descriptor is used. It also asks how members of the public and public servants who have to engage with counter-terrorism strategies can be expected to decode and understand the language(s) surrounding extremism, especially as the idea intersects with categories of sex and gender.

This project involves theoretical writing, practice-based work (including an ongoing engagement with the artist Navine G. Khan-Dossos), and a collaboration with mental health professionals who work with radicalized individuals and groups, and who are charged with implementing the Prevent Strategy.

Also in '(S)extremism'