Professor Hong Duong BSc MSc PhD

Dr Hong Duong

School of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Hong Duong is a Professor of Mathematics. Hong Duong’s research interests span a wide range of topics in the intersections of analysis, applied probability, and computational mathematics including partial differential equations, interacting particle systems, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and evolutionary game theory. Most of his research are inspired from applications in statistical physics and biological/social/material sciences. His research has been supported from the ITN Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technology (EU), the NWO (Netherlands), the London Mathematical Society (UK) and the EPSRC (UK).

Hong Duong has taught a wide range of mathematical courses including calculus, linear algebra and linear programming, stochastic processes and partial differential equations.

Hong Duong's personal webpage


  • PhD in Mathematics, cum laude, Marie-Curie PhD Fellowship jointly between University of Bath and Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, 2014
  • MSc in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Erasmus Mundus Master Program jointly between Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands and TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2010
  • BSc in Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, 2006


Professor Hong Duong received his PhD in Mathematics (cum Laude) in September 2014 from the ITN Marie-Curie PhD Fellow Programme jointly between University of Bath (UK) and Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands). From October 2014 to September 2017, he was a Research Fellow at Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick (UK). From October 2017 to July 2018, he held a prestigious Chapman Fellow at Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London (UK). He became an Assistant Professor in School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham in July 2018, and has been promoted to Associate Professor in August 2022. He was promoted to Professor in 2024.


Semester 1

LI Linear Algebra and Linear Programming (Jinan)

Postgraduate supervision

Hong Duong has successfully supervised/mentored postdocs, PhD students, MSc students as well as summer research projects. He is keen to supervise students in a number of research directions, in particular, partial differential equations, interacting particle systems, evolutionary game theory and population dynamics. Please see his research interests and publications for more details. If you are interested in working with him, he would be happy to hear from you.


Research themes

Hong Duong's research interests span a wide range of topics in the intersections of analysis, applied probability and computational mathematics. Most of his research are inspired from applications in statistical physics and biological/social/material sciences. Specifically, he has been working on:

  • Partial differential equations, variational calculus, optimal transport,
  • Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, GENERIC (General Equation for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling) framework,
  • Interacting particle systems,
  • Model reduction and coarse graining of complex systems,
  • Evolutionary game theory, evolution and promotion of cooperation,
  • Random polynomial theory.

Current projects

  • Variational structures, convergence to equilibrium and multiscale analysis for non-Markovian systems, EPSRC New Investigator Award, EP/V038516/1 (2021-2023)

Other activities

Hong Duong’s has organised a couple of international workshops and conferences. He has regularly been invited to deliver research talks at conferences/workshops/departmental seminars. He has been reviewers for many mathematical and interdisciplinary journals and grant applications. He has been a member of the Equality-Diversity-Inclusion (EDI) Committee at the School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham during 2018-2021.


Recent publications


Colangeli, M, Duong, MH & Muntean, A 2025, 'A hybrid approach to model reduction of Generalized Langevin Dynamics', Journal of Statistical Physics.

Duong, MH & Han, TA 2025, 'Evolutionary dynamics with random payoff matrices', Europhysics Letters, vol. 149, no. 3, 32001.

Duong, MH & Nguyen, DH 2024, 'Asymptotic Analysis for the Generalized Langevin Equation with Singular Potentials', Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 34, no. 4, 62.

Duong, MH & Einav, A 2024, 'Convergence to equilibrium for a degenerate Mckean-Vlasov equation', Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 65, no. 12, 121505.

Duong, MH, Durbac, C & Han, TA 2024, 'Cost optimisation of individual-based institutional reward incentives for promoting cooperation in finite populations', Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol. 86, 115.

Han, TA, Duong, H & Perc, M 2024, 'Evolutionary mechanisms that promote cooperation may not promote social welfare', Journal of The Royal Society Interface, vol. 21, no. 220, 20240547.

Chen, L, Deng, C, Duong, MH & Han, TA 2024, 'On the number of equilibria of the replicator-mutator dynamics for noisy social dilemmas', Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 180, 114565.

Duncan, AB, Duong, MH & Pavliotis, GA 2023, 'Brownian Motion in an N-scale periodic Potential', Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 190, no. 4, 82 .

Duong, MH, Durbac, C & Han, TA 2023, 'Cost optimisation of hybrid institutional incentives for promoting cooperation in finite populations', Journal of Mathematical Biology, vol. 87, 77.

Colangeli, M, Duong, MH & Muntean, A 2023, 'Model reduction of Brownian oscillators: quantification of errors and long-time behaviour', Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.

Duong, MH & Ottobre, M 2023, 'Non-reversible processes: GENERIC, hypocoercivity and fluctuations', Nonlinearity, vol. 36 , no. 3, 1617.

Son, TC, Le, DQ & Duong, MH 2023, 'Rate of convergence in the Smoluchowski-Kramers approximation for mean-field stochastic differential equations', Potential Analysis.

Chaudru de Raynal, P-E, Duong, MH, Monmarché, P, Tomaševic, M & Tugaut, J 2023, 'Reducing exit-times of diffusions with repulsive interactions', ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, vol. 27, pp. 723-748.

Conference article

Duong, MH & Zimmer, J 2023, 'On decompositions of non-reversible processes', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2514, no. 1.

Conference contribution

Duong, MH, Durbac, C & Han, TA 2023, Optimisation of hybrid institutional incentives for cooperation in finite populations. in ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference ., 118, MIT Press, ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine, Sapporo, Japan, 24/07/23.

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