Reach In Evaluation (2010-2011)

Funded by Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT)

Through the adoption of largely qualitative focus, this research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Reach In programme in helping refugees to become more employable, to develop relationships between housing providers and refugee organisations, to help housing providers better meet the needs of their refugee communities and to develop good practice around using partnerships to facilitate institutional changes.

The study will:

  • Explore the experiences of volunteers in, and after their placements, and examine how the placements have helped them to increase their employability.
  • Explore the experiences of housing providers in supporting volunteers, setting up and running a volunteer programme.
  • Investigate the benefits and challenges of working with refugee volunteers and examine the ways in which approaches can be supported to be successful.
  • Examine the ways in which the project has helped providers meet the needs of refugee communities.
  • Consider the legacy of the project and the recommendations that can be made to practitioners and policy makers.


Jenny Phillimore

Chris Allen

January 2010 - July 2011