Module variety

The variety of modules on offer across our undergraduate programmes ensures that you are prepared for a wide range of potential careers. The breadth of optional modules throughout our degrees allows you to tailor your learning to your own specific interests or the requirements of a chosen career.

champions-dayWe offer modules ranging from theory to practice, core science to applied studies, and from natural and social science perspectives. Topics range from human biology, exercise physiology, psychology and motor control, through to physical education, coaching, politics, policy and sociology. Through these diverse perspectives, we are able to address questions in ways that ensure your degree is relevant to real life settings. The breadth of optional modules throughout our programmes allows you to tailor your degree to your own specific interests or the requirements of a chosen career.

As your degree progresses, you have the option to specialise in areas of personal interest. For example, in the third year, you will have the opportunity to plan and undertake an individual research project. You may also have opportunities to broaden your area of study further by selecting modules from the other programmes or those offered in another School in the University.

Module in a minute video

Meet one of our undergraduate lecturers as he describes the content of a module in (more-or-less) a minute.

Sports nutrition

Dr Gareth Wallis, Lecturer in Sport and Health Nutrition describes what goes on in the optional third year module Sports Nutrition.