Crime and Social Harm: Crucial Issues That Don't Make the Papers

Impact Hub Birmingham - Walker-Building - 58 Oxford Street-Digbeth - Birmingham - B5 5NR
Wednesday 6 November 2019 (12:00-15:00)

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Does the criminal justice system punish those causing most harm? Why send children to prison for appointment absences? Why should the police drive drug law reform? How are women prisoners treated in a system primarily serving men? Should parent prisoners be treated differently? 

Hosted by the Crime and Social Harm Research Group

Speakers: Dr Mark Monaghan and Professor Simon Pemberton

These questions are important to the society that we are living in. Using cutting-edge research, the Crime and Social Harm Research Group at the University of Birmingham will be exploring these important topics, as well as investigating other issues that our society is facing (for example, youth justice, police-led drugs policy, women and prisons, and prisoners' families).

Part of the event’s discussions will focus on debunking the representations of important crime issues that are prominent in the media that we consume. Following an open talk introducing some key ideas, there will be the opportunity to contribute and discuss issues with our experts.


12pm – Arrival, Coffee and Sandwiches

12.30 – Professor Simon Pemberton: Crime and Social Harm - Crucial Issues That Don't Make the Papers, including Q & A.

13.30 – Dr Mark Monaghan: The Truth about Drugs Policy Making, including Q & A

14:30 – Meet the Speakers networking event