Haobo Chen

Haobo Chen

School of Psychology
Doctoral Researcher

Contact details

Secondary Email
School of Psychology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Haobo Chen is currently undertaking doctoral research to explore the neural substrates associated with fine motor control involved in writing and drawing.


  • PhD candidate, University of Birmingham, UK - current
  • Attending physician, Guangzhou First People’s Hospital, China
  • Master Degree. Neurology, Guangzhou Medical University,China
  • B.Sc. Clinical Medicine, Sun Yet-sen University, China


Haobo Chen is a clinical neurologist with clinical experience in Guangzhou First People’s Hospital. He is well trained in diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and is now working in the area of cognitive neuroimaging.

Doctoral research

PhD title
Neural correlates of fine motor control: the case of drawing and writing
Supervisor Dr Pia Rotshtein
Former supervisor Professor Glyn Humphreys


Research interests

Vascular cognitive impairment; Cognitive Neuropsychology; motor control; Cognitive Assessment;  fMRI; VBM; MVPA


  1. Pan, X., Chen, H., Bickerton, W. L., Lau, J. K. L., Kong, A. P. H., Rotshtein, P., ... & Humphreys, G. W. (2015). Preliminary findings on the reliability and validity of the Cantonese Birmingham Cognitive Screen in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment11, 2377.
  2. Chen Haobo, et al. A Study of the Clinical Features of Cognitive Impairment among Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Chin J Stroke, 2014, 9.6.
  3. Paper in progress: Lesion-symptom mapping of a complex figure copy task: A large-scale PCA study of the BCoS trial