Professor Wolfgang Högler MD FRCPCH

Professor Wolfgang Hogler

Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research
Honorary Professor

Contact details

+43 5768084 22001
+43 5768084 22004
Secondary Email
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Wolfgang Högler is Chair of Paediatrics at the Johannes Kepler University and Chief of Paediatrics at the Kepler University Hospital in Linz, Austria. He maintains strong research links including PhD student supervision at the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham. 

Professor Högler’s clinical research group focuses on pathophysiology and management of bone and growth disorders such as osteogenesis imperfecta, hypophosphatasia, rickets, short stature and disorders of vitamin D and growth hormone/IGF-1 metabolism. He has developed a particular bed-to-benchside focus on mechanism of disease in rare bone disorders.


  • Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2009
  • Paediatric Endocrinologist & Diabetologist 2007
  • Diploma in Clinical Trial Investigation 2005
  • Doctor of Science (DSc) 2005
  • MD Medicine 1995


Professor Högler qualified in Medicine from the University of Innsbruck, Austria in 1995. Following core paediatric training at the Department of Paediatrics at the Medical University Innsbruck, he embarked on a 2.5 year clinical research fellowship at the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia. The fellowship, which investigated the development of bone size and strength in children, was hosted by Professor Chris Cowell and supported by the prestigious Erwin Schrödinger program of the Austrian Research Council (FWF).

On his return to Innsbruck, he was appointed Associate Professor of Paediatrics in 2005 and qualified as a paediatric endocrinologist in 2007, before joining Birmingham Children’s Hospital as a consultant, and the University of Birmingham as a Senior Lecturer.

Under his lead, the Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes at Birmingham Children’s Hospital developed into the largest such unit in the UK. His strong research interest in bone and growth disorders led him up the honorary academic route until his appointment Chair of Paediatrics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria in 2018. He is an active member of several professional organisations and holds various international leadership positions in paediatric endocrinology.



Paediatrics (Johannes Kepler University Linz)


National and International Lectures

Postgraduate supervision

  • PhD Students
  • Master Students
  • International Fellows


Professor Högler’s research focusses on mechanism of disease and patient benefit, particularly improved diagnosis and new treatments for children with bone and growth disorders, as well as prevention of disease.

Bone and Mineralisation

Wolfgang’s group is investigating the disease mechanisms and the structural bone phenotype of disorders affecting bone fragility and mineralisation, through an established international research network. Through multicentre treatment studies, he is offering children with rare diseases promising new treatments, e.g. hypophosphatasia (asfotase alfa), hypophosphataemic rickets (FGF23 antibody), osteogenesis imperfecta, a.o.

One main research focus is the association between calcium, vitamin D, PTH and bone mineralisation, in particular at what level of calcium deprivation mineralisation begins to fail. His team is investigating ways how to diagnose osteomalacia (poor bone mineralisation) biochemically. Current projects include assessment of rickets prevention programs and public health policies worldwide.


Wolfgang’s other research focus is short stature caused by defects in the growth hormone – IGF-1 axis. In a multinational collaboration, he has described gene dosage effects and the phenotype of a children and adults with mutations in the IGFALS gene, and first reported the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response of children with ALS deficiency to treatment with recombinant IGF-1. His current work includes assessing the reversibility of isolated GH deficiency.

Research groups and centres

Other activities

  • Steering Committee and POC Member, ICCBH
  • POC Member, ESPE
  • Consensus Lead and Conference Chairman, Global Consensus on Prevention and Management of Rickets, 2014
  • Task Force Member for the ISCD (International Society of Clinical Densitometry) on Pediatric Position Papers 2007, 2013, 2019
  • Co-Chair, Hypophosphatasia Global Registry
  • Chair of Endocrine Branch, IPOKRaTES Foundation   Organisation of Postgraduate Paediatric Seminars
  • Chair, POC, 7th ICCBH, Salzburg, Austria, 2015
  • Chair, ESPE Working Group “Bone & Growth Plate” 2010-2014
  • External Expert for the Paediatric Committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Paediatric Bone Disease
  • Senior Clinical Specialist, Prince Court Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Hospital Project Management, invited by the Medical University Vienna International (MUVI), 7-10/2006
  • Advisory Board Member for several pharmaceutical companies in the pediatric bone/growth research field


Hofmann CE, Harmatz P, Vockley J, Högler W, Nakayama H, Bishop N, Martos-Moreno GÁ, Moseley S, Fujita KP, Liese J, Rockman-Greenberg C (2019) Efficacy and Safety of Asfotase Alfa in Infants and Young Children With Hypophosphatasia: a Phase 2 Open-Label Study.ENB-010-10 Study Group. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Feb 27. pii: jc.2018-02335. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-02335. [Epub ahead of print]

Högler W, Langman C, Gomes da Silva H, Fang S, Linglart A, Ozono K, Petryk A, Rockman-Greenberg C, Seefried L, Kishnani PS (2019) Diagnostic delay is common among patients with hypophosphatasia: initial findings from a longitudinal, prospective, global registry. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Feb 14;20(1):80. doi: 10.1186/s12891-019-2420-8.

Aguiar M, Andronis L, Pallan M, Högler W, Frew E (2019) Micronutrient deficiencies and health-related quality of life: the case of children with vitamin D deficiency. Public Health Nutr. Feb 12:1-8. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018003841. [Epub ahead of print]

Uday S, Högler W (2019)Spot the silent sufferers: A call for clinical diagnostic criteria for solar and nutritional osteomalacia. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. Jan 14. pii: S0960-0760(18)30542-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2019.01.004. [Epub ahead of print] Review.

Idkowiak J, Elhassan YS, Mannion P, Smith K, Webster R, Saraff V, Barrett TG, Shaw NJ, Krone N, Dias RP, Kershaw M, Kirk JM, Högler W, Krone RE, O'Reilly MW, Arlt W (2019) Causes, patterns and severity of androgen excess in 487 consecutively recruited pre- and post-pubertal children. Eur J Endocrinol. Mar 1;180(3):213-221. doi: 10.1530/EJE-18-0854.

Uday S, Sakka S, Davies JH, Randell T, Arya V, Brain C, Tighe M, Allgrove J, Arundel P, Pryce R, Högler W, Shaw NJ (2018) Elemental formula associated hypophosphataemic rickets. Clin Nutr. Sep 28. pii: S0261-5614(18)32466-X. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.09.028. [Epub ahead of print]

Crabtree NJ, Adams JE, Padidela R, Shaw NJ, Högler W, Roper H, Hughes I, Daniel A, Mughal MZ (2018) Growth, bone health & ambulatory status of boys with DMD treated with daily vs. intermittent oral glucocorticoid regimen. Bone. Nov;116:181-186. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2018.07.019. Epub 2018 Jul 25.

Thorby-Lister A, Högler W, Hodgson K, Crabtree N, Nightingale P, Shaw N, Saraff V (2018) Cumulative radiation exposure from medical imaging and associated lifetime cancer risk in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Bone. Sep;114:252-256. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2018.06.021. Epub 2018 Jun

Uday S, Fratzl-Zelman N, Roschger P, Klaushofer K, Chikermane A, Saraff V, Tulchinsky T, Thacher TD, Marton T, Högler W (2018) Cardiac, bone and growth plate manifestations in hypocalcemic infants: revealing the hidden body of the vitamin D deficiency iceberg. BMC Pediatr. Jun 26;18(1):183. doi: 10.1186/s12887-018-1159-y.

Carpenter TO, Whyte MP, Imel EA, Boot AM, Högler W, Linglart A, Padidela R, Van't Hoff W, Mao M, Chen CY, Skrinar A, Kakkis E, San Martin J, Portale AA (2018) Burosumab Therapy in Children with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia. N Engl J Med. 2018 May 24;378(21):1987-1998. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1714641.

 For a full list of Professor Hogler's publications


Nutritional Rickets

Rare Bone Disease

Paediatric Endocrinology