Just an hour a month to share your expertise could change the whole course of a student's future

Motivate, inspire and empower a student

A mentor can be one of the most valuable people in a student's life. Someone who won't let them settle for good enough, and will help them avoid having to learn everything the hard way. Your experience and knowledge can help a student discover their path.


Students are studying so hard at Birmingham to learn all they can. Yet to be successful in securing a job, they need high quality advice from someone who has taken a similar path before them, especially if they are the first in their family to go to university.

Practical constructive feedback from someone who has already lived it can help them forge their future.

You can help a student discover their strengths and choose their path

Just an hour a month can help change the whole course of a student's future. You could help a student by sharing your experiences, giving careers advice, reviewing their CV and applications, and encouraging them to find work experience. Your guidance will motivate and empower a student to focus on their goals and how they can get there. You can become a mentor from anywhere in the world, meeting face to face, or offering advice by phone, email or Skype.

Grace-mentorsStudents like Grace need your advice

Grace gets regular advice from her mentor James (BA English Literature and Philosophy, 2011). 'James pushed me to turn my ideas into reality and answered my questions. Having someone on my team helped me gain confidence in a professional setting. I'm excited to become a mentor myself in a few years.'

Give time

Become a mentor today to start changing the life of a student who could really benefit from your support and insight.

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