AI, data science, and social innovation

At the University of Birmingham Dubai, AI, data science, and social innovation form a crucial area of focus among our three thematic research priorities. We are actively engaged in investigating the diverse practical uses of AI and data science, as well as addressing the related policy and regulatory challenges.


test tubes

Genomics and artificial intelligence for predicting Type 2 Diabetes heterogeneity in the UAE

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is on the rise globally and therefore will continue to present a major challenge to our healthcare systems. Most previous investigations of T2D symptoms, causes, and diagnosis, focused on using epidemiology or genomics to unravel environmental and genetic risks. But it has been challenging to understand how these risks interact and contribute collectively to disease onset and prognosis. In this project led by Dr Marc Haber, the UoB Centre for Health Data Science, and collaborators from Mohammed Bin Rashid University Of Medicine and Health Sciences, we are using new approaches in artificial intelligence and machine learning to understand phenotypic differences and heterogeneity in T2D cause and outcome in the UAE.

Read more about our Centre for Health Data Science

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