LGBT Allies

Murray Learning Centre room UG09
Tuesday 12 September 2017 (12:00-13:00)

The word ‘Ally’ can be used to describe non-LGBT people who believe that LGBT people should experience full equality. In a workplace, good allies recognise that LGBT people can perform better if they can be themselves, and that everyone benefits from inclusion, and so allies use their role within an organisation to create a culture where this can happen. Allies might be at the very top of an organisation or a colleague in a team. Either way, they recognise that it’s not just the responsibility of LGBT people to create a workplace culture that is inclusive of everyone. The action they take can range from being a leader of an organisation that puts equality – including LGBT equality – at the heart of the business to being a junior member of staff who challenges homophobic, biphobic and transphobic banter amongst colleagues.

Pete Mercer, Head of Public Sector Membership Programmes at Stonewall, will be talking about the importance of allies, the notion of "allyship" through modern history, the roles and responsibilities of allies, and Stonewall's work in empowering allies.

The event will be introduced by Professor Robin Mason, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) at the University of Birmingham.

Lunch will be provided.

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