Deals, Disregard and Destitution: How our Criminal Justice Systems address Deviance and the Crimes We Ignore

Biosciences 301
Wednesday 24 October 2018 (12:00-13:30)

If you would like to know more about this event please email the IGI Lead Administrator: Sukhi Birks.

21st Century Transnational Crime

This seminar examines the rise of “plea bargain-like” prosecutorial practices in jurisdictions across Europe whose legal culture stands in fundamental opposition to such practices.

Dr Marianne Wade will seek to demonstrate how these procedural shortcuts have come to determine practitioners’ understanding of justice in a number of settings.

The societal impact and public perception of these practices will be examined, and European examples contrasted with the USA, where the plea bargain model is routinely applied.

Session Leads: Dr Marianne Wade, Birmingham Law School, Reader, Fellow of the Institute for Global Innovation

Professor Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Professor of Economics, Director, Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing, Fellow of the Institute for Global Innovation

Seminar Series: Wednesday Lunchtimes at the IGI  

The IGI are pleased to invite you to our Wednesday lunchtime seminar series. Seminars are led by our theme leads, as well as external speakers. A buffet lunch is available from 12:00 with seminars between 12:30 and 13:30 followed by Q&A and networking opportunities.

All are welcome and are encouraged to promote seminars in their network and groups.