Current Awareness

Current Awareness is a unique, bespoke service offered to all Shakespeare Institute research students, whether on-site, part-time or distance learners.  

It is our way of helping students to get the most out of their library by alerting them to new material that may be relevant to their research. When newly published books and journals are received into the library, we look through all our acquisitions and email students when we spot something that matches their research interests, whether a book, a book chapter or a journal article. If the book or article is also available online, we will tell you – this is particularly useful for students who do not live in Stratford-upon-Avon.    

Current Awareness testimonials 

"I think this is one of the best and most unique services provided by the Shakespeare Institute library."

"The references are always useful and most of immediate applicability to my research."

"It's fantastic to hear about the new books that come into the library - I may not learn about them otherwise and would potentially overlook them entirely were it not for this service."

"A most helpful service, always administered with enthusiasm and courtesy."

Using the Current Awareness service

If you would like to use the Current Awareness service to help with your studies, please complete the online form below or simply come and talk to us in the library. We need to know your research interests – however broad they may be to start with – and keywords that you consider important to focus our search. These can be updated at any time as your research interests change and develop.

  • Your name