
PANINI researchers, consortium supervisors and partners will be taking every opportunity available to them to reach out to all sectors to communicate the message of their research.  As well as health sector conferences, poster presentations, media and dissemination of knowledge and expertise, below are some of the ways in which we will update you on project developments through outreach activities.

Community Outreach & Engagement

Researchers’ primary role will be to create awareness among the general public about the research work and its implications for wider society in a easy to understand format.  They will present their research and science in numerous innovative ways that will capture the imagination and develop the public’s interest.  Researchers will play a role in fostering discussion with local communities through institutional outreach networks. These include dedicated research showcasing at institutional Open Days or established Community events such as Birmingham’s 1000 Elders (UoB), Age UK, University of the Third Age (Jyvaskyla, Finland), STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) specific events at schools, hospital community events and so on.   ESRs will also contribute to their institutional public engagement through public lectures and seminar series.

Stakeholder Outreach & Engagement

This network consists of members well beyond academia, including governmental and non-governmental agencies, businesses and charities within Europe.  ESRs will share their research results with the academic and non-academic communities, through the Birmingham-based open-access website as well as, PANINI’s own website. In addition, a mailing list and social media, linking academics, practitioners, and other stakeholders will facilitate dissemination of research outcomes.

Specific outreach projects with Partner organisations

The ESRs will work with partner organisation on projects that will reach a wider audience on various aspects of their research findings.  These include the University Hospital Birmingham (UK)’s 1000 Elders project, Age UK events, HUR Labs, and many more.  Public and Private sector expertise and input from non-academic partner organisations will play a significant role in developing dissemination and outreach strategies aimed at wider audiences. 

Newspaper and magazine articles

Researchers will develop and publish articles on progress and good news events in relevant and appropriate press. 


Podcasts will be recorded by all ESRs about PANINI and their research as well as their published work.  These will be shared on both through institutional and network websites, including the network’s You Tube channel.


Through the inclusion of partner organisations whose remit is to inform and educate, the dissemination of ideas and outreach beyond academia will be a key factor of PANINI.  The training will also be made available to external researchers or sector relevant staff to encourage the engagement of PANIINI research.