Sociology in and of Birmingham: Studying and Celebrating Diversity

B3 3BS, Birmingham, Margaret Street
Tuesday 5 April 2016 (19:00-21:00)

Phone: +44 (0)191 383 0839

Birmingham has been long hosted and been studied by sociology.  Sociologists study how humans shape and are shaped by the world they live in, from local to global. Birmingham is a place of particular interest for many reasons, including its global connections and diverse population of different ethnic and cultural groups. 

Come and find out more about what sociologists have to say about social change and diversity, particularly in Birmingham.  This is an open public event chaired by the President of the British Sociological Association on the eve of their annual conference which is taking place in Birmingham.  This is an event for everybody.  Come and ask questions, raise issues, find out more and engage in discussion with a panel of sociologists.

Among the panel members for this event will be Professor Monder Ram, Director of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) at Birmingham Business School.

He will be joined by Dr Nando Sigona and Dr Julia King. 

  • This event will be FREE to all; members and non-members.